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"Last Bus Ride"

The "Last Bus Ride". That's what got me, Jachelle! I have never heard of such a thing! Thinking about you driving YOURSELF to the high school, in the the car that you helped your daddy build, just to take the last bus ride with the rest of the seniors has got me in my feelings! I remember the first time you got on a bus. You were so excited and I was NOT looking forward to letting you go into the world. When you brought me your book bag on the first day of school, I seen the excitement in your eyes. You've always been an excellent student and an even better daughter!

I wanted to do something really special for your graduation. I knew Daddy was giving you the title for the Camaro but I wanted to do something for you on my own, without any help. SOOO, I went big! I ran into so many obstacles. Crooked wood, overheated tools, rain with nowhere dry to work on my "surprise" that ended up NOT being a surprise and having to take my wood working stuff outside every single day..... Don't even get me started on that horrible portrait! I mean, the THREE horrible portraits!

When everyone helped me set it up yesterday and we noticed how bad it was, I was disappointed. I felt like I failed at what I wanted to accomplish for you. As I stared at the sign from a distance, looking at the parts of the sign that were still drying on the porch, I realized something. This is exactly how life is. We make plans. Sometimes, they work out and sometimes, they fall through. Sometimes, things go off "without a hitch" and sometimes, everything that COULD happen, actually happens. Sometimes, we make bad decisions that end up with devastating results, and sometimes, good decisions that end up with bad results. Sometime, we fall when we stand. All of that will be okay, as long as we stand back up!

I know you seen the disappointment on my face when the THIRD portrait didn't work out as planned and when I seen how horrible the lean was on the support posts. Your response was, "I love it, Mama! Thank you!" 

I want to say, Thank YOU! Thank you for caring more about the heart than the outcome. Thank you for always seeing the good in everybody and every situation. Thank you for always getting back up when life knocks you down. Thank you for being an example to your siblings. Thank you for always being there for me. You have been such a blessing to me and I love you more than words could ever say! I am so very proud of you and I look forward to watching you achieve your goals. If you run into a crooked 4x4 post, make it work! If you take a bad photo, embrace it! If you get overheated or overwhelmed, rest. Even God rested on the 7th day! Most importantly, show Jesus in you! Be His hands & feet! 😁

Congratulations Jachelle Ellis & the Graduating Class of 2022!!!!! It's a big deal! Be proud of yourself!! 🥰

#JachelleNicoleEllis #BeulahHighSchool #Seniors #ClassOf2022 #ProudMama #LastBusRide #AccomplishedAfterFourMonths #MyFirstBorn #OneSixthOfMyHeart #LoveHer #MechanicalEngineering #SouthernUnion #HereSheComes #ShowJesus #ChangeTheWorld


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