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Showing posts from July, 2022

Beautiful Mess

Since Christmas, I have been taking reclaimed wood, cleaning it and giving it a new purpose. I've never thought of myself as being crafty or creative. I've always seen people turn nothing into something and I've been amazed by it. Then, my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas last year. I genuinely couldn't think of anything, other than a tattoo. If you have people that are helping you survive life, my feeling is that you shouldn't be putting your money into anything like that. HOWEVER, if it's a gift, that's different! 😂 I still have a 5 hour gift certificate that I need to cash in though so there's really no need for that. I had to think about it. I'm a budget friendly person, so nothing came to mind. I knew what my mom's income was and I happen to have six of her ten grandchildren, so, I knew how far that had to stretch. Then, she asked me the magic question. "If money were no object, what would..." I blurted out, "A Dremel


  Last week, we took our first road trip in our "new to us" van that we purchased about a year ago. We knew the DVD player didn't work so we were going to bring ours from home but we needed two things to make it work. Walmart in LaGrange showed that they had it in stock, but they didn't have it. I forgot the quickest way to get to 85 using the bypass so I asked Jachelle to put Newnan in the GPS, thinking that it would take me to 85 and I would know where to go from there. That was not the case. I should have recognized after the third turn that we were going back roads but I didn't until it was too late. It took us 15 to 20 minutes longer to go the back roads.  Passing the Atlanta airport, I thought about how I haven't driven to Helen from Atlanta before, so, I wasn't sure of the route I needed to take. I wanted to go 985 because it was the way I knew. Instead, I listened to my GPS and I got on 400. I regretted it immediately. About 3 exits into being on 4