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While my kids began their day utilizing their Atlanta CityPass, I went to Dollar Tree to pass the time until my best friend of 27 years arrived. The item I needed wasn't available at that specific location, so I decided to go a few miles away to another location. I recognized some landmarks on my way there and many memories rushed in. When the bad memories flooded my good ones, it began to physically hurt my heart. Around the time I experienced these unexpected emotions, I drove up on a roundabout that didn't use to be there. The chiropractor I used to see was now a different business altogether and all the places I recognized didn't seem so recognizable anymore. The new bridges, on and off ramps, and new exit numbers were foreign to me. In that moment, God showed me that my life has changed even more than the roads in Atlanta. He showed me that when I repented of my sins, my life did a roundabout and I shouldn't recognize anything from my past because everything has be
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UR Family

  From the manger to the cross... From the cross to the grave...  From the grave to the sky... He is risen indeed! May God's fire burn in your hearts forever. May His wings cover and protect you, and your families. May His son, the greatest man in history, who had no servants,  yet was called master, had no degree, yet was called teacher, had no medicines, yet was called healer, He had no army, but kings feared him, He won no military battles, yet conquered the world, He committed no crimes, yet they beat and hung him on a tree,  He was buried in a tomb, rose in three days and lives today through people like you. Thank you for seeing our worth and not defining us by our past and for having the faith that we can all be changed for the Glory of God. Love in Christ, Bill & Michelle Ellis Happy Easter!  Jachelle, Skye, Madison, Bubba, Corey & Makayla

Happy New Year, 2023!

Happy New Year!! I realize that I am a few days late, but I am recovering from a years worth of overworking myself. My children got out of school on 12/16 for Christmas "break" to begin but it didn't begin, for us, until Christmas morning. We had plans for every weekend from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Our calendar was packed full. The best part was that it was full with doing the Lord's work, not shopping and overextending an already overextended bank account. It was a blessing to see how much work gets put into ministry outreach. I slept WONDERFUL, every single night! I would have to say that the end of 2021, and all of 2022 has been the most challenging part of my adult life. However, it has also been one of the best. Even though I've been a believer since I was 8, I didn't truly know Him until 2019. It took me a long time to understand that listening to Him required silence on my part. Over the years, I've learned that I had to be in a relationship with

Thanksgiving isn't Thanksgiving without this memory...

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Our home

My six children and I have been living in a transitional home for homeless women since June 2020. We have been blessed to have found a property that can be turned into a home for us but it can't be renovated until it's paid off. Since Christmas 2021, the balance has gone from $65,000 to $45,000. We've been at a stand still ever since. One Voice Shelter Coalition, an Opelika nonprofit organization, is looking for assistance in finishing this project for our family. We are looking for ways to accept donations, other than crowdfunding places, but right now our only option is Facebook or snail mail. Here is where you can find the link. The Ellis family is grateful for anything that is donated and extremely grateful for your prayers! PS - The address to donate, via USPS, is found at the link below. God bless! Michelle Ellis OVSC donate button

Beautiful Mess

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  Last week, we took our first road trip in our "new to us" van that we purchased about a year ago. We knew the DVD player didn't work so we were going to bring ours from home but we needed two things to make it work. Walmart in LaGrange showed that they had it in stock, but they didn't have it. I forgot the quickest way to get to 85 using the bypass so I asked Jachelle to put Newnan in the GPS, thinking that it would take me to 85 and I would know where to go from there. That was not the case. I should have recognized after the third turn that we were going back roads but I didn't until it was too late. It took us 15 to 20 minutes longer to go the back roads.  Passing the Atlanta airport, I thought about how I haven't driven to Helen from Atlanta before, so, I wasn't sure of the route I needed to take. I wanted to go 985 because it was the way I knew. Instead, I listened to my GPS and I got on 400. I regretted it immediately. About 3 exits into being on 4