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My alone time (orig post via Insta/FB 09/17/2019)


As I sit on this dock, I think about how calm and peaceful the water is. The fish are just swimming around in one spot. Then a boat comes and suddenly, there are waves clashing together, the fish and the waves not sure which direction to go. The boat goes away and it takes a little bit of time for the water to be calm again. The water ends up on the same path that it was on before it was interrupted by what felt like a tsunami, has probably lost a few fish in the storm but has probably gained a few more than it lost. Some of those fish may have needed to change direction. Some of them may have changed direction out of pressure and some of them may have changed direction out of boredom or their own selfish desires. This is much like when the devil brings people in our lives to harm us. We might get hurt in the storm but He brings the calmness back. He turns what was meant to harm us into something that helps us, IF we let him. We might go through the storm longer than we feel we should but He is a faithful God and He will reward you for fully trusting Him.

Proverbs 3:5, 6 - Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.


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