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Showing posts from April, 2022

Different (orig post via Insta/FB 11/15/2019)

This reminds me of the introduction on the song "Different" by Micah Tyler. If you haven't heard it, you should. He speaks from the heart and I pray the words to this song every single day.

Retreading (orig post via Insta/FB 11/14/2019)

So this week has been a rough week for me. My weekend was emotionally, mentally and physically exhausting. The beginning of my week was much the same. I ran a quick errand yesterday and spent the rest of the afternoon in. Praying, reading the bible, listening to music and writing. Went to church last night and had an ah-ha moment. The service spoke to me personally, AGAIN this week, for the 3rd time since Sunday. Woke up with a migraine this morning so I attempted to sleep but I couldn't so I got up, did my devotions, had some prayer time and started to write a letter along with some notes about last nights service. Before I knew it, I had 10 pages and don't remember writing much of it. After 3 hours of writing, I looked back at what I had wrote and was like, "WHOA! Where did that come from?!" I asked God to speak through me and I feel like that is EXACTLY what He did. I'm going to copy & paste a very small portion of my letter here because I feel like more th

If you blink, refocus (orig post via Insta/FB 11/08/2019)

Last week, my kids and I met a little 4 year old girl named Ella Cate. She has a baby brother who was born at 13 weeks prematurely on September 26, 2019. He was 3 lbs 4 ounces and his lungs aren't fully developed. We felt the need to show Ella Cate that there are people out here that care and we wanted to make her feel special while her wonderful mother is tending to the baby at UAB. While we were visiting with her and her grandparents, her pawpaw showed us this view. I'd say there was about 3 minutes between the 1st and the 3rd picture. It absolutely astounds me how quickly things change when we aren't looking or paying attention. If you were to sit and look at the same spot, you aren't going to immediately see the difference. Although it is a beautiful difference between the two pictures, our focus was on something just as beautiful. If we hadn't refocused and looked again, we would have missed it. While noticing the difference, my first thought was how quickly ou

Our prayers (orig post via Insta/FB 11/05/2019)

We as humans want instant gratification. We live in a fast, impatient world. I've cried out to Him more in the last year than I ever have. I look back at the times where I knew 100% that everything was going to be okay, the direction I was headed and how peaceful I was. Then I look at the times where I was unsure. Questioning, what now? I know that everything will be okay but when God hands the reins back to us for us to use our free will decisions, it can get scary. Especially for the overthinker like myself who wants to make sure she's making the right decision. Like, is what I want what God wants too? Or do I want this so badly that I am convincing myself that God wants it too? I know I'm not the only one who thinks this way... lol  #TheStruggleIsReal

U-turns (orig post via Insta/FB 11/05/2019)

I remember when I was growing up, we had a bumper sticker that said "God allows u-turns". I never really understood what it meant but I never really questioned it either. Now that I am grown with children of my own, I make it a point to let them know that there is NOTHING in this world that would make me stop loving them, that would make me disown them, or that would make me give up on them. Sure, I might have to punish them at times, scold them and maybe even show them tough love but isn't that what Jesus does for us? The best thing to know is that Jesus died for us, for our mistakes, for our sins. He has given us the platform to come to Him and say "Jesus, come into my heart, forgive me of my sins and make me new". Then He allows us and encourages us to change direction. That alone gets me excited. There is NOTHING that we can do that will make Him stop loving us. He is going to scold us when we are wrong and we will pay the consequences of our wrongs while we

Share Him (orig post via Insta/FB 10/02/2019)

It isn't enough to jus t let people see your walk. We have to share Him with our mouths too.  

💜 (orig post via Insta/FB 10/02/2019)


This is where faith must step in... (orig post via Insta/FB 09/26/2019)


What do you see? (orig post via Insta/FB 09/26/2019)


Hallway praises (orig post via Insta/FB 09/23/2019)

Nobody said it was easy but it is possible!  

With God, all things are possible (orig post via Insta/FB 09/21/2019)


Faith, Hope and Love (orig post via Insta/FB 11/21/2019)

  The Love chapter is my favorite chapter in the bible. 1 Corinthians 13. Verse 13 says "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." If we combine these three, we can get through anything and do it with peace and grace. Be a light for Jesus!

Food for thought (orig post via Insta/FB 11/19/2019)

The road is never easy. If it's easy, you're travelling the wrong road.  

Spirit Lead Me (orig post via Insta/FB 09/18/2019)

I want to be buried in your love, Lord. Your peace, your comforting hands, your grace..  

My alone time (orig post via Insta/FB 09/17/2019)

  As I sit on this dock, I think about how calm and peaceful the water is. The fish are just swimming around in one spot. Then a boat comes and suddenly, there are waves clashing together, the fish and the waves not sure which direction to go. The boat goes away and it takes a little bit of time for the water to be calm again. The water ends up on the same path that it was on before it was interrupted by what felt like a tsunami, has probably lost a few fish in the storm but has probably gained a few more than it lost. Some of those fish may have needed to change direction. Some of them may have changed direction out of pressure and some of them may have changed direction out of boredom or their own selfish desires. This is much like when the devil brings people in our lives to harm us. We might get hurt in the storm but He brings the calmness back. He turns what was meant to harm us into something that helps us, IF we let him. We might go through the storm longer than we feel we shoul

Is the light dim?

  Don't let the devil dim the light!

Do you feel alone?

These times are when we must exercise our faith. Lay our worries at His feet, trust that He is going to get us through it and be patient in the waiting. That is the hardest part but oh so worth it!  

Who is at the door?


Stay prayed up!

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